How to start a podcast for total beginners

If you don’t know how to start a podcast, but really want to this is the guide for you. It’s intended for absolute beginners who may not even know what questions to ask to start their own show and share their passions.
It’s common on Facebook and the like to see people asking how they start a podcast, but they don’t even know what questions to ask. It’s easy to tell people to ‘google it’ but it’s not so easy if they don’t have the first idea of what to google for. And if they do search they can get a whole bunch of options, often people selling something, or frequently advice that’s overly technical and confusing to those who are new to the medium.
If this is you, then this guide is for you. It’s the 4 things you need to know to help you look for further advice.
And we’re here to provide that advice when you need to ask. Send us a message from here, or mail for a free 30 minute consultation about your needs.
From the person behind the very popular Sleepy Time Tales podcast